Multi-camera video stitching combines several videos captured by different cameras into a single video for a wide Field-of-View (FOV). In this paper, a novel dataset is developed for video stitching which consists of 30 video sets captured by four static cameras in various environmental scenarios. Then, a new video stitching method is proposed based on a hybrid matcher for stitching four videos with over 200° FOV. The keypoints and descriptors are obtained by the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) and Root-SIFT, respectively. Then, these keypoint descriptors are matched by applying a hybrid matcher, a combination of Brute Force (BF), and Fast Linear Approximated Nearest Neighbours (FLANN) matchers. After geometrical verification and eliminating outlier matching points, one-time homography is estimated based on Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC). The proposed method is implemented and evaluated in different indoor/outdoor video settings. Experimental results demonstrate the capability, high accuracy, and robustness of the proposed method.