Mobile technologies, applications and ease of Internet access have significantly increased the convenience of accessing information and bridging the digital divide. This research focuses technology acceptance, proposes an extended model and investigates the determinants associated with college students’ acceptance of mobile learning. The behavioral intention to use mobile learning by students is a critical success factor of mobile learning implementation process. In this context, it’s essential to enlighten the factors that affect college students’ intention to use mobile learning. This research is based on related technology acceptance literature and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model.
The purpose of this study is to examine the indicators of the behavioral intention to use mobile learning by college students and to explore differences according to various demographics. The results indicate that performance expectancy, facilitating conditions and social influence were all significant factors of behavioral intention to use mobile learning. Effort expectancy and personal propensity to learning were not found to be significant predictor variables. This paper provides useful information about the triggers of mobile learning acceptance in order to take precautions for students who have difficulty adopting mobile learning.