The paradigm shift from human resource management to human capital management has doubled the importance of exploitation the tacit knowledge of human resources. Documenting and managing knowledge of expert human resources and exploitation them to achieve the goals of organizations requires identifying the process of knowledge codification. In this study, using the qualitative research approach and interviewing the top, basic, middle managers and accountants of Hamadan Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance by non-probability sampling.This question will be answered what is the applicable model implicit Knowledge of Human Resources and Implementation Strategies in this office. The analysis of data collected from 20 interviews through content analysis led to the identification of 186 thems knowledge coding processes and 31 thems barriers to implementation. After classifying themes, the stages of the tacit knowledge coding process including identifying or discovering tacit knowledge, extracting or acquiring tacit knowledge, recording and storing tacit knowledge, tacit knowledge sharing, and tacit knowledge application were identified. The required actions and suggestions were also made in realizing each of these steps. Finally, the barriers to implicit knowledge codification, identification and solutions were proposed.