Seven students at a high school in Korea visited the emergency room with non-specific neurological symptoms after a stench was noticed during a school entrance ceremony. In relation to this incident, 105 patients visited medical institutions over 5 days. A team of environmental and epidemiological experts was assembled to investigate the incident.
Our team of experts participated in the investigation 1 month post-incident. Previously, only air samples had been analyzed. We received results of air samples analyzed by other investigators, medical records of some students, and data from police interviews of patients. Additional investigation and interviews were conducted, and the events were reconstructed in spatial and temporal order.
A cluster of patients was observed on the south side and parts of the north side of the upper floor. A stench like that reported during the incident had been noticed for about 2 years near the school. Students consistently described a similar stench occurring frequently in the vicinity of the school. According to student statements, the odor mainly resembled something burning. The carboxyhemoglobin levels of some students were observed to be> 1.5%.
In the investigation, 2 suspected sources were identified: a science room storing chemicals downstairs from the auditorium and various industrial facilities near the school. Combining the scattered evidence, we considered a toxic puff of gas, perhaps from brief incineration or leakage in a specific area, to be the likely cause of the incident. We describe our approach and the limitations encountered during the investigation.