Six Tunisian date palm pollinators were morphologically characterized at the inflorescence level. The aim was to assess the level of similarity between the spathe of the three flowering stages. Nineteen qualitative and quantitative characteristics were explored and subjected to multivariate analyzes. The results showed that inflorescences morphological similarity oscillated between 97.9 and 62.2% with an average of 80.1%, which testifies strong genetic relations among the six genotypes and among flowering stages/cycles within each genotype. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) analysis shows that weight of the spathe (SW), number of spathe (NS), shape of spathe (SS), total length of the spathe (TLS), shape of spikelets (SPS), number of spikelets per spathe (NS), These characteristics are defined by axis 1 and 2 which absorbing a total of 56.3% of total variability. Phylogenetic relationship analysis showed that two groups were distinguished by a high level of genetic similarity of inflorescences at each flowering stage. According to the analysis, the second flowering stage is the most distinguished morphologically with the highest sizes of the quantitative characteristics studied.