The purpose of this open study is a comparative evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of Citicoline (Cytidine 5 -diphosphocholine)—2000 mg and 1000 mg daily i.v., in patients with ver- tigo of central origin and vascular aetiology, insufficiently influenced by the standard medication treatment. The study was performed during the period January–December 2010 in the Neurology Clinic of National Multiprofile Transport Hospital “Tsar Boris III”—Sofia and Neurology Clinic—First MHAT-Sofia. The study includes 40 patients on average age of 55,5 ± 4,2 years, divided into two groups: Group I—20 patients treated with Citicoline 2000 mg i.v. and Group II—20 patients treated with Citicoline 1000 mg. i.v. The following methods were applied: (1) Inquiry form with directed otoneurological anamnesis. (2) Neurological and otological status. (3) Tonal threshold audiometry. (4) Examination of the vestibular analyzer (spontaneous and provoked reactions). (5) Electroen- cephalography (EEG). At the beginning, treatment should be initiated with Citicoline 2000 mg. i.v. displaying more rapid effect and without significant differences from Citicoline 1000 mg. i.v. con- cerning the tolerability and side effects. The results obtained give us the ground to recommend the long term usage of the product Citicoline among the complex medication treatment of patients with vertigo of central origin and vascular aetiology.