The main idea of the present work is to provide an analytical approach for the analysis of mating surface stretch during successive equal channel angular pressing of core/shell bimetallic materials. Furthermore, the novel relationships between maximum stretches induced in each equal channel angular pressing pass with the numbers of passes and the yield strength of equal channel angular pressed steel/copper bimetallic are presented. To evaluate established relations, the tensile test is performed on steel cores of the copper/steel bimetallic samples subjected to consecutive equal channel angular pressing process up to three passes with route BC, which rotates the samples by around the longitudinal axis between each equal channel angular pressing pass. The results indicated that, for a given equal channel angular pressing die, the maximum stretch is a linear function of pass number of deformation with equal channel angular pressing process. The values of the angular position corresponding to extreme values of stretch increased as the number of pass deformations with route BC increased. Also, the value of the minimum stretch could be increased beyond a threshold value in an equal channel angular pressing process with route B by increasing the number of pass deformation. After N passes deformation by the equal channel angular pressing process, the yield strength of bimetallic samples can also be determined by estimating the maximum stretch using an established predictive model.