Smart City applications promote the concept of city development through ways of managing information and with minimal impact on the environment. This idea revolves around the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), which involves leveraging the Internet to establish connections among diverse devices, services, and automated systems, thereby creating a network of interconnected objects. Based on these solutions, IoT is the basis of the solution for the Smart City that needs a minimum of human interaction. This paper presents an analysis of energy consumption and hot water usage in the Titan neighborhood of Bucharest, Romania. The study focuses on estimating the total energy consumed and the hot water requirements in the neighborhood. The analysis considers the approximate number of inhabitants and families, monthly energy consumption per family, and monthly hot water consumption per family. Additionally, the paper examines the installation of photovoltaic panels for energy generation and the water heating systems needed to meet the hot water demands. In this paper also describe the smart city, through an overview, after which their features and characteristics are presented, as well as the physical implementation for the real world in the energy field. To begin with, the development of the city's energy system is necessary; the production of electricity and hot water for domestic use is imminent. With the implementation of the electricity production system from renewable sources, a large part of the pollution produced by the city and emitted into the atmosphere is solved.