Caulerpa racemosa known as" sea grape" is green seaweed found in the coast of Balai Island Aceh Singkil, but the coastal community has not yet utilized this green seaweed. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity of C. racemosa extract from Balai Island Aceh Singkil. In research method, the sample of C. racemosa was collected from Balai Island Aceh Singkil and crude extracts were prepared using ethanol, ethyl acetate, and n-hexane. The yield and phytochemical assay were measured then followed by the in vitro antioxidant assays including CUPRAC and FRAP. The result showed the highest yield was found in the ethanol (1.36%), followed by n-hexane (0.45%) and ethyl acetate extract (0.405%). C. racemosa crude extract has contained phenolic, flavonoid and tannin compounds. Measurement of antioxidant activity using the CUPRAC and FRAP methods respectively showed that the ethanol extract had higher activity with a value of 46.45±4.03 μmol trolox/g and 358±1.41 μmol trolox/g, compared to crude extract of ethyl acetate with a value of 23.74±0.03 μmol trolox/g and 568±7.07 μmol trolox/g. While the value of n-hexane extract was 21.56±0.028 μmol trolox/g and 15 μmol trolox/g. Some of these bioactive compounds possess a new antioxidant agent with potential for nutraceutical industry.