The application of doubled haploid production technology is essential in pepper hybrid breeding programmes. Both growers and the market continuously require improved varieties. Using DHPT technology is not only important for developing new varieties that are higher-yielding, resistant to pests and diseases, but it is also a much faster method. For hybrid seed production, obtaining pure lines is a priority. Pure lines are traditionally generated by techniques based on classical breeding through successive rounds of selfing and selection. Biotechnological approaches to obtain homozygous lines are more efficient and sustainable than traditional methods. In the laboratory of Medimat Ltd. more than 3000 different genotypes originating from Hungarian sweet and spice pepper types (Cecei, tomato-shaped, apple-shaped, white blocky, light green and dark green blocky, green spice), Hungarian spice pepper genotypes, Dutch blocky types, Spanish types (Dolce Italiano, Lamuyo, red blocky) and Turkish types (eg Dolma, Charliston) have been tested and used to produce new breeding lines via in vitro anther culture and an improved (Lantos et al. 2009) microspore culture technique. Microspore culture is an attractive solution for production of many pure-lines and new paprika candidates for registration. Despite intensive efforts of Hungarian industry and academia, anther culture remains the most effective tool for pepper doubled haploid plant production. Improvement of the effectiveness of microspore culture requires the cooperation of all interested parties in Europe.