The shortage of organs for transplantation is an issue that affects both developed and developing nations. 1-9 Despite the recent progresses in organ transplantation, opportunities for improvement in the area still abound. The need to change the current state of affairs has been the subject of many studies on missed potential donors. 3-9 The topics of organ donation and transplantation are often combined in the literature. Some authors have described the factors associated with missed potential donors. 10-24 These studies revealed the distrust with which the population sees the organ donation process and the lack of training and involvement of health care workers with the process, in addition to myriad religious and cultural factors. Significant effort has been made by political, social, governmental and non-governmental organizations to increase the number of donors and transplantation procedures in Brazil. 2, 4, 21, 24 Nonetheless, the number of missed potential donors has increased at the same rate as the number of notifications to organ procurement organizations (OPO) and organ donations. 25, 26 Although the legislation on the topic is clear and efficient, the means to aggregate the number of cases of brain death (BD) in Brazil or abroad are yet to be described. 5, 8, 9, 21, 27 The notification potential could be derived from the