Stenography and security are one of the techniques to develop art in securing data. Stenography has the most important aspect is the level of security in data hiding, which makes the third party unable to detect some information that has been secured. Usually used to hide textinformationThe (LSB) algorithm is one of the basic algorithms proposed by Arawak and Giant in 1994 to determine the frequent item set for Boolean association rules. A priory algorithm includes the type of association rules in data mining. The rule that states associations between attributes are often called affinity analysis or market basket analysis. OTP can be widely used in business. With the knowledge of text message, concealment techniques will make it easier for companies to know the number of frequencies of sales data, making it easier for companies to take an appropriate transaction action. The results of this study, hide the text message on the image (image) by using a combination of LSB and Otp methods.