This study aims to describe the application of e-learning in improving students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness. This study used a quasi-experimental design with an equivalent time series type. The research sample was taken of grade 10 Senior High School 5 Banda Aceh with a non-probability sampling method. The stage of this research is that students are given a pre-test to see their initial level of understanding before being given a treatment, then students are given a treatment in the form of earthquake preparedness learning through the e learning model. the understanding of students after participating in learning with the e learning model has increased by 14.44%. As for the n-gain value is 0.54 (moderate criteria), the N-gain value indicates that learning with the e-learning model is effective in improving students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness. based on research data analysis it was seen that students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness had increased compared to before. Meanwhile, related to the effectiveness of learning, based on data analysis, it was found that learning earthquake disaster preparedness using the e-learning model was effective in increasing students' understanding of earthquake disaster preparedness.