Arsenic (As) contamination is endemic in West Bengal, India. Arsenic exposure through mushroom is lethal to health. Pleurotus sp. is globally consumed as food for its medicinal and nutritional values. This study was performed to evaluate the arsenic accumulation in mushroom through arsenic biomagnified rice straw substrate in relation to health risk assessment. Arsenic concentrations were higher in P. ostreatus (12.577 mg/kg DW) and Pleurotus sp. (12.446 mg/kg DW) cultivated in arsenic biomagnified rice straw as compared with P. ostreatus (0.472 mg/kg DW) and Pleurotus sp. (0.434 mg/kg DW) cultivated in non-contaminant rice straw; respectively. The bio-concentration factor (BCF) value of arsenic was highest in stem at 3rd flush for both P. ostreatus and Pleurotus sp. The health risk index (HRI) based on dietary intake of these arsenic biomagnified mushrooms was found moderately higher in both the species, so higher intake of these mushrooms will put people at health risk.