On May 24–25, 2023, the Amirkabir University of Technology organized the first International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Vehicles (ICAISV 2023) in collaboration with different scholars from worldwide universities and research institutes. A scientific committee consisting of 63 scientific experts from Iran, USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Southeast Asia, and Europe accompanied us to hold this scientific event. We organized a forum for researchers and engineers to collaborate on artificial intelligence technologies for smart vehicles and intelligent transportation systems. We focused on machine learning, data mining, machine vision, image processing, signal analysis, decision support systems, expert systems, and their applications in smart vehicles. Knowledge extraction from data captured by vehicles, cellphones, smartwatches, and sensor networks of V2V, V2I, and V2X connections was one of our attention points. The majority of articles received were in the fields of autonomous vehicles, image processing, and connected vehicles. To review the 93 articles received by the conference office, 178 reviewers with multi-disciplinary specialties of computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, mathematics, and management were selected and 602 invitation letters were sent. Based on the received reviewing reports, 35 articles were accepted for presentation at the conference. These papers were presented in 13 hybrid sessions to more than 270 conference participants. The 14 top papers were accepted to be published in this volume of Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) book series. Also, the following key speakers presented their latest achievements in the conference sessions: