Global warming and environmental destruction have become the major issue in recent years. Use of more and more environmentally friendly materials in any industry in general and construction industry, is of more importance. Preventing the depletion of natural resources and enhancing the usage of waste materials has become a challenge to scientists and engineers. Waste glass in one material when grounded to a very fine powder shows pozzolanic properties which can be used as additives, Iron slag rendered as scrap is used as partial replacement of aggregate in concrete. Iron slag is an industrial waste by-product of steel industry. The present investigation deals with the usage of Iron slag as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate and addition of glass powder to the concrete. The optimum percentage of iron slag to be replaced is found out by conducting 28 days compressive test on cubes of size 150mm* 150mm* 150mm with 5%, 10%, 15% replacement of coarse aggregates with iron slag. The glass powder is added with percentage of 5%, 10%. With the overall percentage of iron slag and glass powder the workability of concrete is checked and cubes are casted and tested for its compressive strength and durability parameters like saturated moisture content, effective porosity, sulphate attack and carbonation depth