The reactivity of six kerosene based control fuels, specifically formulated for cetane number variation, are investigated by measuring ignition delay time in a heated rapid compression machine. Cetane numbers vary from 30 to 55 (increment of 5) while holding other properties relatively constant by adjusting chemical group composition. Main cetane variation was controlled through the distribution of normal alkanes and isoalkanes, which was fine-tuned using additives. Other fuel properties such as density, viscosity, H/C ratio, etc. were balanced using cyclic compounds and aromatics. Fuels were tested in the RCM at compressed pressures of Pc= 10 and 20 bar, equivalence ratios of ϕ = 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0, in the low to intermediate temperature range (620 K ≤ Tc ≤ 730 K). Relations between cetane number and ignition delay time have been evaluated at multiple test conditions, and further analysis on multistage ignition has been conducted. Ignition delay times of fuels with higher cetane numbers are shorter at these temperatures for most conditions. First stage ignition delay time measurements have been observed to be relatively insensitive to Pc, ϕ, and fuel type, while deviations in overall ignition delay times are mainly attributed to second stage ignition delay time, impacted by variations in the first stage temperature. Control fuels of this type offer an opportunity to be used in practical experiments to determine the impact of cetane number on combustion dynamics.