Wells equipped with flow control devices are a proven method of improving sweep efficiency by controlling the influx of fluids into the well by the addition of a flow restriction at each completion joint. Autonomous Flow Control Device (AFCD) technology has recently achieved the milestone of being approved for full field, commercial application to reduce (1) gas influx in light oil reservoirs and (2) water production in heavy oil reservoirs.
Autonomous Flow Control Completions (AFCC) are frequently designed using steady-state well production simulators. The more realistic approach of using a dynamic, reservoir simulator often reduces the exaggerated, single well, production improvement by allowing the reservoir's flow dynamics to be understood in the context of the total field recovery and reservoir's uncertainty. The modelling of AFCCs, as currently implemented in reservoir simulators, is in an early stage of development and requires further improvement.
AFCC modelling options in a dynamic, reservoir simulator are discussed in this paper. New workflows for AFCC single-phase performance parametrization with a more reliable, physically realistic model of their performance are presented. It is shown how reservoir simulation of an Advanced Well Completion (AWC) containing ICDs and AICDs can be used to evaluate the control of water production in a heavy oil field. The performance of multiple AWC designs is compared for a range of reservoir simulation models that illustrate various production challenges. New comparison methods are introduced that provide a fundamental understanding of their differences. An oil/water flow modelling workflow for reservoir and well engineering studies for the selection of the optimal (A)FCD completion is provided.
Our finding aid engineers to reliably model, and evaluate the “added value”, of AFCC technology on a case-by-case basis.