Axiomatic design (AD) is a theory that helps to develop new design objects and allows one to evaluate the quality of designs. The aim of this paper is to apply this theory to the design of heat ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems and to come to conclusions about the design quality of some specific applications. The focus is the comfort and energy consumption in commercial buildings in South European climates. The discussion contains a brief description of variable air volume (VAV) systems and dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) with terminal units, such as fan-coils, induction units and chilled ceilings. Occasionally, the DOAS design should include over-cooled outdoor air in order to ensure an extra cooling means. According to the AD's first axiom, ideal systems are independent or decoupled. Our conclusion is that VAV and DOAS with induction units are coupled designs, and on the other end, DOAS with fan-coils or chilled ceilings are decoupled designs. In addition, over-cooling outdoor air (OA) flow couples the OA flow with the indoor heat removable needs.