The Jahut tribe belongs to the tribe of Orang Asli Senoi (native tribe of Senoi). The Senoi group is the largest native group, followed by the Malay-Proto groups and Negrito groups. A total of 4 717 people are in Pahang, especially in the Temerloh district. A small number is found in Perak and Selangor. Meanwhile, the number of residents of Jahut tribe in Kampung Pian, Kuala Krau, Pahang obtained from the Profile Data Orang Asli Village Pahang-District of Temerloh 2009/2010 is 702 people. This study was conducted because the small number of speakers of the Jahut speakers raised concerns about the language in view of the process of dominating the main language, especially the Malay language. If the documentation effort is not done immediately it is likely that this language will be extinct and further destroys the culture of the Jahut community. This study focuses on the aspects of the language spoken in Kampung Pian, Kuala Krau Pahang. Informants are composed of native speakers of their respective tribes. The main focus of this paper is to elaborate the phonological and lexical aspects of the Jahut tribe language based on the structural phonological theory. The researcher uses a qualitative approach to analyze data obtained through recording techniques and techniques. Transcription will be done based on the Symbol International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) based on the Jahut language vocabulary data based on the Swadesh list and theme class themed. Based on the data of the Swadesh list and themed word classes, researchers found that Jahut language had 8 vocal phonemes and 20 consonant phonemes. From the thematic vocabulary the researchers found differences and similarities from the lexical and the sound of the language of the Jahut with the Malay language. In the theme-based vocabulary, most of them maintain their own language. However, there is a vocabulary that has been influenced by the Malay language. A study on the language of the native people of Jahut, which covers the phonological and lexical aspects, should be made so that the structure of the language can be studied in more detail and indirectly ensures the continuity of the language so as not to be wiped out of time.