Maternal health care is grossly underutilized in Nigeria and the rate of its underutilization differs from region to region resulting from different factors. This study examines the factors that impede the utilization of maternal health care by women in Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State Nigeria. The study population consists of women of childbearing age residing in the seven (7) Local Government Areas that make up the Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State, Nigeria. By adopting Yamane's (1967) formula for sample size determination, 375 copies of the questionnaire were distributed in four randomly selected Local Government Areas comprising Calabar Municipality, Akpabuyo, Odukpani and Biase Local Government Areas where a simple random (balloting) method was used to pick two (2) electoral wards from each of the selected Local Government Area. Four (4) communities in each of the two selected electoral wards in the selected Local Government Areas were purposively selected. This amounts to a total of eight (8) communities from each Local Government Area which also amount to thirty-two (32) communities used for the study. Only 300 returned copies of the questionnaire were valid. The analysis showed that traditional beliefs, distance and attitude of health workers were variables that significantly motivated the health seeking behaviour of the respondents, leading to their non-utilization of the maternal health care. Locating health care facilities nearer to the communities, provision of good road network and improved cordial relationship between health workers and pregnant women were suggested as solutions to improve the utilization of maternal care in the study area.