Ultra-high-temperature ceramic (UHTC) materials with a density of 94.5 ± 1.3% have been manufactured by hot pressing a (HfB2–30 vol % SiC)–5 vol % Y3Al5O12 composite powder, which has been prepared sol–gel method, at a moderate temperature of 1850°C (holding time, 30 min; pressure, 30 MPa). The oxidation resistance of this ceramic has been studied at elevated temperatures under the effect of a supersonic dissociated air flow (on a high-frequency induction plasmatron). The maximum surface temperature has been ~2550°C. An analysis of the kinetics of temperature changes depending on the heat load indicate that, when five percent of Y3Al5O12 by volume of HfB2–30 vol % SiC is introduced into the ceramics, the thermal conductivity of the material decreases. This is not critical from the point of view of the stability of the obtained sample to single temperature drops of ~700–1400°C in a few seconds with sharp heating and cooling of the sample. A decrease of ~35–40% in weight loss of the (HfB2–30 vol % SiC)–5 vol % Y3Al5O12) sample has been noted as the result of exposure as compared with unmodified analogs. Due to the presence of Y3Al5O12 in the initial ceramics, there is also a certain amount of the stabilized phase of cubic HfO2 in the oxidized layer in addition to the monoclinic.