Chenopodium album L.(family Chenopodiaceae), a noxious weed globally distributed that is a large genus commonly known as white goosefoot and fat-hen, melde, pigweed, lamb’s quarters, lambsquarters or local names. It has nutritious value and more than thirteen compounds accounted and subsistence food crop; seed are processed into flour for pancakes and bread. It is boiled and mixed with other ingredients to make a kind of gruel, or is roasted and ground for porridge or also used for preparing fermented and alcoholic beverages. Medicinally it is used to cure the diseases of blood, heart, spleen, and eye and in biliousness conditions, anticancer property, antipruritic and antinociceptive activities. The plant traditionally used as a laxative, anthelmintic, blood-purifier, antiscorbutic, appetizer, aphrodisiac and tonic. It is nutraceutical food, an alternative source for nutrients. The plant contains essential oils, besides alkaloids, trigonelline, chenopodine, potassium and vitamin C, total phenol flavonoid glycosides (quercetin, rutin, and kaempferol). The major class of phytoconstituents includes nonpolar lipid, phenols, and lignins, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and saponins.
INTRODUCTION: India is a varietal emporium of medicinal plants. It is a one of the richest countries in the world regarding genetic resources of this medicinal since Ayurveda or Siddha systems of medicine. These plants contain some active chemical substances that produce a definite physiological action on the human body. Chenopodium album or other species of Chenopodium had a high nutritional composition, extensively cultivated and consumed as a food crop.