Today’s world is characterized with rapid engineering and technological increase where enterprises search to develop competitive vantage based on the extensive use of information and communication technology, a crucial succeeder in today’s competitive market. Information and communication technology, a factor characterized as a foundation and complementary to innovation, affects business exploitation, exploration and market competitive presence in several ways. This paper aims at explaining how the Information and Communication Technology trajectory and its adoption affects the export intensity of business sphere along with other important variable factors using a large data sample of 3500 business firms using hybrid simulation with Anylogic 7.2 University and eventually analyzing empirically this relation through an economic based regression analysis model using E-Views 8. The explanatory variables include many factors extensively analyzed. The analysis is based on the epidemic model of information and communication technology in business sphere. The reason this paper was created is to provide the ultimate combination compounding of crucial factors that affect the information and communication technology adoption of businesses that seek to adopt new technological ways to expand their export performance and intensity. Thorough research through the paper resulted in a robust pattern across the adoption variables used that lead to the successful adoption of the information and communication technology key factor in businesses as regarding their export activity and their export intensity.