Objective: The main objective of this study was to reveal the death number of the individuals infected by COVID-19 according to the cluster which had been determined by the Malaysia Ministry of Health. There are four main clusters had been identified. This cluster has involved infection up to the third generation. The aim of this study also was to determine the distribution of chronic disease among COVID-19 death patients by revealing the frequencies of the most common chronic diseases. Besides that, trend analysis according to the number of individuals in the ICU and the number of individuals in the ICU with ventilator support is being studied. This is very important to predict the number of ventilators needs while the trend of patients in ICU is increased. The last objective of this study is to determine the distribution of chronic diseases among male and female patients, revealing the most common chronic disease among death patients. Materials and Methods: Data collection started on March 8th 2020 till April 6th, 2020 among the individual who died with COVID-19. The collected data consist of the gender, the cluster of infection, patient chronic disease, number of daily data on COVID-19 death, individuals in the ICU, individual in the ICU with the ventilator. SPSS software version 26.0 and MINITAB 17 was used to assess the important information through descriptive statistics, multiple response analysis, and trend analysis. Results: The total COVID-19 death in Malaysia till April 6th 2020 was 62 cases. It was higher in male with 48 (77.4%) cases as compared to female which was 14 (22.6%) cases. Most of the infected cases are come from the Sri Petaling tabligh religious gathering which contributes about 11 (34.3%), travel history to oversea 11 (34.3%) and follow by close contact with Covid-19 cases 8 (25.0%). Through multiple response analyses, it was found that, most of the individuals who died with Covid-19 have chronic disease such as hypertension (31.1%), diabetes mellitus (28.4%) and heart disease (11.9%). Most of the dead patients shows that they have hypertension. Besides that, the number of covid-19 patients also was summarized according to the hospital in Malaysia. Sarawak General Hospital having the highest death of covid-19 patients followed by Kuala Lumpur Hospital. Trend analysis was plotted in order to see the pattern of the patient which being entered to ICU, and the patient which dependent on the ventilator used. Conclusion: The number of death cases continues on an upward trend, but it is still under control. This is because of the success of first Malaysian Movement Control Order (MCO) which is implemented by the Malaysian government on March 18th, 2020. Based on the daily increasing number of death cases reported and also the infected number of COVID-19, the Malaysian government once again announced the extension of MCO up to the 14th of April 2020. The finding from this study will provide some information about the Malaysian situation and also prepared the strategy to decrease the number of infections and death among the COVID-19.