Degradation and subsequent calcitization of phosphate grains from the upper part of the Late Cretaceous Amman Formation at southeast Irbid in northern part of Jordan have been petrographically verified. A number of calcitization patterns were observed. The variety in calcitization patterns reflects the replacing nature of calcite. Filamentous schizophytes are assisted, through borings, in early degradation of bone fragments into phosphomicrite fillings and dark envelopes (haloes) around grains. Calcitization process is more likely attributed to the availability of calcite, restriction of apatite formation, nature and composition of phosphate grains, varying pH of sediment and pore-fluids and physico-chemical conditions of the depositional site. Diagenetic replacement of phosphate grains by calcite as a result of calcitization process resulted in poorer grade of phosphate deposits where the P2O5 is less than 15.2%.