The structure of the juxtacanalicular meshwork (JCM) was analyzed morphometrically, and the resulting data were used to calculate the resistance to flow through this tissue. Two models of the JCM were presented and compared. In the first (Model A), aqueous humor was assumed to flow via open channels within a solid framework, while, in the second (Model B), these open spaces were assumed to be filled with extracellular matrix gel. An expression giving the resistance of such a gel as a function of gel concentration was presented and tested on corneal and scleral stroma. Morphometry of normal and glaucomatous human eyes showed that Model A underpredicted the resistance of the JCM by factors of 10-100, suggesting that a GAG or proteoglycan gel may control the flow resistance of this tissue. This was supported by Model B, which showed that measured bulk concentrations of GAGs were consistent with gel concentrations needed to account for the estimated resistance of the JCM in vivo. Some limitations and implications of Model B were discussed.