This article examincs thcorctical and cmpirical discussions of strategics to overcome statecorporatist and dcclopmentalist practices in East Kalimantan, Indoncsia. The term statecorporatism describes a political condition in which the state maintains strong links to statc backcd groups. Dcvclopmentalism is an overarching concept used to describc the tendency of a statc to maximizc cconomic growth through investment whilc disregarding the fundamental rights of its pcoplc. The casc of East Kalimantan Provincc was scccted duc to its status as one of the most rcsourcc-rich provinces of Indoncsia. Howcvcr, the provincc's wealth of natural resources has also lcd to widesprcad dcforcstation and to the displacement of its indigenous pcoples. This paper sccks to analysc the ways in which indigcnous spirituality and activism can lessen the negative effects of'dcclopment'projccts sustained by statc-corporatism. This article contemplates what strategics that can bc cxccuted to diminish state-corporatism effects in East Kalimantan, particularly in two important districts: Rcgcncy of Kutai Kartancgara and Bontang Municipality. This article argucs that the indigenous spirituality is a kcy to battle statc-corporatism's influences. Indigenous spirituality as forum internum is still a potential tool of advocacy. By capitalizing the role of shamans, indigenous pcoples might still have opportunitics to reclaim and dcfcnd their cultural rights.