price and income elasticities underlying energy demand in Ireland. The Irish economy is
divided into five sectors: residential, industrial, commercial, agricultural and transport, and
separate energy demand equations are estimated for all sectors. Energy demand is broken
down by fuel type, and price and income elasticities are estimated for the primary fuels in the
Irish fuel mix. Using the estimated price and income elasticities we forecast Irish sectoral …
In this paper we use annual time series data from 1960 to 2008 to estimate the long run
price and income elasticities underlying energy demand in Ireland. The Irish economy is
divided into five sectors: residential, industrial, commercial, agricultural and transport, and
separate energy demand equations are estimated for all sectors. Energy demand is broken
down by fuel type, and price and income elasticitieis are estimated for the primary fuels in
the Irish fuel mix. Using the estimated price and income elasticities we forecast Irish sectoral …