MOBI-MIX brings together partners from four different countries: the Netherlands (City of Rotterdam), Belgium (Antwerp city, Ghent University, City of Mechelen and POLIS), France (Metropolitan area of Valenciennes, Transalley technology park and Gustave Eiffel University), and United Kingdom(Norfolk County Council, Cambridge Cleantech and CoMoUK). The project aims to encourage behaviour change and to achieve positive environmental gains in the urban environments of five cities/regions in the 2 Seas area. The five MOBI-MIX cities are interested in facilitating the implementation of innovative mobility solutions. The uptake of low carbon transport modes is of interest here, since the overall objective of the project is to decarbonise road transport. Effective implementation of shared mobility and MaaS solutions are the two main ways to achieve these goals. Cities are working closely with mobility providers and other local stakeholders to ensure the shared mobility ecosystem develops to the benefit of the entire city.
A series of four insight reports focuses on the different transport concepts that these cities want to implement. The first report explored MaaS (Mobility as a Service) and can be read here. The current report centres on carsharing, looking at the latest developments across Europe and beyond.