Complex dynamics of stock market could be attributed to various factors ranging from company's financial ratios to investors' sentiment and reaction to Financial news. The paper aims to classify Financial news articles as "hot" (significant) and "non-hot" (non-significant). The study is carried out using Dow Jones newswires text feed for a period of four years spanning from 2013 till 2017. Bag-of-ngrams appraoch and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) were used for text representation and text weighting, respectively. Four linear classifiers, namely, Logistic Regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), k Nearest Neighbours (kNN) and multinomial Naïve Bayes (mNB) were used. Grid search was used for hyperparameter optimisation. Performance of the classifiers was evaluated using five measures, namely, success rate, precision, recall, F1 measure and area under receiver operating characteristics curve. LR and SVM outperformed other models in terms of all five performance measures for both Bag-of-ngrams model and Bag-of-ngrams model with TF-IDF approach. Use of TF-IDF improved performance of the classifiers, especially, in case of mNB. This study serves as a stepping stone in identification of important/relevant news, which could used as predictors for stock price forecasting.