In this region, marine, continental and lacustrine clay deposits which are used as a raw material in the cement sector were investigated. It is seen that Upper Cretaceous-Upper Eocene aged shale representing marine deposition are found in Malidagi in economic quantities. However, their Na2O% and K2O% contents are higher than in other clays. The Oligocene aged Bayiralan clay representing marine deposition have abundant magnesian minerals. Because of its high MgO% content, this clay is not suitable cement standard. The areal extent of the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene aged Kizilburun clays represented fine sediments in the floodplain are widely situated. These may be used in cement sector, but they have reserve and environmental problems. The red coloured clays belonging to the Pliocene aged Sakizcilar Formation are sutitable for cement standard. To decreasing the transportation costs of the Denizli cement factory, the Malidagi clay and Sakizcilar clay may be used together in different proportions. If the Malidagi and Sakizcilar clays may be used, the contents of K2O% and Na2O% will decrease.