The liver plays wide ranging roles in metabolic, synthetic, storage, catabolic and excretory functions of the body. Because of the multifaceted physiological activity and high vascular supply, liver is often vulnerable to injury from systemic disorders and several other toxic or infectious challenges. The remarkable capacity of liver to regenerate ensures that mild damage is rarely associated with clinical signs and hepatic disease may not be suspected until signs of liver failure develops. At this stage, the prognosis tend to be poor regardless of the initiating cause (Merck, 2005). Clinical assessment of hepato-billiary diseases is complex but laboratory diagnostic tests are helpful in early diagnosis and planning their therapeutic management (Radostits et al., 2007).
Primary diseases of the liver seldom occurs in farm animals except as a result of poisoning. The diseases of liver are in general neglected by animal clinicians and clinical description of them are meager. Further the results of treatment are seldom good (Radostits et al., 2007). Hence an attempt has been made in this study to standardize treatment schedule for hepatitis in cattle.