Sensor Networks (WSNs) are two large groups of wireless networks that have well established application ranges. Despite the fact that they address very distinctive groups of devices and have clearly differentiated wireless interfaces, there are certain similarities which push scientists to look for adopting solutions already designed for existing wireless networks to WSNs. An example of this is the case with routing layer protocols. AODV, a unicast routing protocol, developed for MANETs, has proved to be applicable and was accepted by IEEE as the standard for the routing layer in Low Rate–Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN). MANET-originated solutions, like multicast protocols, have also been initially designed in the context of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer protocol but have their applicability for WSNs not been studied so far. This paper investigates the feasibility of two popular MANET multicast protocols, ADMR and ODMRP over the IEEE 802.15. 4 standard and provides a comprehensive study of the performance of these two protocols with different underlying physical and media access protocols. The protocols have been analyzed with ns-2 network simulator. It appears that even though both protocols are applicable in the selected scenarios, there are specifics in their performance in the context of WSNs which should not be neglected.