GREENE, NP, BS LAMBERT, ES GREENE, AF CARBUHN, JS GREEN, and SF CROUSE. Comparative Efficacy of Water and Land Treadmill Training for Overweight or Obese Adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 1808–1815, 2009.
Purpose: No known previous research has been published to explore the efficacy of underwater treadmill (UTM) exercise training for the obese. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare changes in physical fitness, body weight, and body composition in physically inactive, overweight, and obese adults after 12 wks of land treadmill (LTM) or UTM training. Methods: Fifty-seven physically inactive, overweight, and obese men (n= 25) and women (n= 32) participated in this investigation. The mean T SEM age, weight, body mass index (BMI), and VO2max upon entry were 44 T 2 yr, 90.5 T 2.4 kg, 30.5 T 0.7 kgImj2, and 27.1 T 0.7 mL O2Ikgj1Iminj1, respectively.