Prior to development of precision planters, appropriate machines were not available for planting of oil-seed crops. As a result there was no other option for farmers except to use the conventional drill for planting which results in higher seed rate and thinning operations to be carried out thus increasing the production cost. With the use of planters, the seed germination efficiency has increased and seed-rate has reduced. With precision planters like inclined plate and pneumatic planters, thinning operation is also not needed. A tractor operated inclined plate and pneumatic planter were tested and evaluated in the field on cotton variety LH-1556 and their performance was compared. The overall performance for planting of cotton was satisfactory. The plant to plant spacing obtained with pneumatic planter was 44 cm (recommended 45 cm). The average number of missing hills/10 m length was 0.33 and percentage of doubles was 4.35 whereas in case of inclined plate planter, plant to plant spacing was 36 cm, average number of missing hills/10 m length was 1.33 and percentage of doubles was 9.64. Also with the pneumatic planter, number of hills with two or more plants was negligible. The capacity of pneumatic planter was 0.49 ha/h and that of inclined plate planter 0.35 ha/h.