During measurement campaigns at an urban background and a rural site, simultaneous measurements of particle size distributions using a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS)/aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) combination and Fuchs surface using an epiphaniometer have been made. The epiphaniometer was calibrated using sub-100nm monodisperse aerosol and it was found that a calibration based upon particle electrical mobility diameters measured with a SMPS was consistent irrespective of the use of singlet particles of sodium chloride and ammonium sulphate or clusters of carbon. The field intercomparison of surface areas derived directly from the epiphaniometer and calculated from the size distributions determined by the SMPS/APS combination showed a good agreement of Fuchs surface estimates at both measurement sites. However, attempts to estimate a “geometric” surface area from the epiphaniometer data led to significant divergence from the estimates of the SMPS/APS combination when there was a significant fraction of coarser (>700nm) particles contributing to the aerosol surface area.