Agricultural fertilization has been one of the most important components of crop production since the start of the green revolution. The main disadvantages of conventional fertilizers are that they are very susceptible to losses, have a low nutrient usage efficiency, and pollute the environment. Efforts have been undertaken to raise the NUE of conventional fertilizers, but they have had little success. As a result, there is a need to intervene with alternative technology, one of which is nano fertilizers, which have the ability to boost NUE. The use of macronutrient nano fertilizer reduces fertilizer rates while increasing nutrient release patterns, resulting in increased crop growth, yield, and NUE. Similar to foliar application of micronutrient nano fertilizers, foliar application of micronutrient nano fertilizers improves crop nutrient uptake, resulting in enhanced crop output. It also improves crop quality parameters. Nanomaterial-enriched fertilizers containing plant nutrients improved nutrient release patterns, increased plant absorption efficiency, and reduced fertilization application's negative impact.