The Togashi Kaneko model (TK model), introduced by Togashi and Kaneko in 2001, is a simple stochastic reaction network that displays discreteness-induced transitions between meta-stable patterns. Here we study a constrained Langevin approximation (CLA) of this model. The CLA, obtained by Anderson et al. in 2019, is an obliquely reflected diffusion process on the positive orthant and hence it respects the constrain that chemical concentrations are never negative. We show that the CLA is a Feller process, is positive Harris recurrent, and converges exponentially fast to the unique stationary distribution. We also characterize the stationary distribution and show that it has finite moments. In addition, we simulate both the TK model and its CLA in various dimensions. For example, we describe how the TK model switches between meta-stable patterns in dimension 6. Our simulations suggest that, under the classical scaling, the CLA is a good approximation to the TK model in terms of both the stationary distribution and the transition times between patterns.