Consumer brand engagement (CBE) has attracted significant attention amongst academics and practitioners; yet, myriad conceptualizations and operationalizations exist. This research conceptualizes Service-Dominant Logic-informed CBE as a consumer’s psychological state and behavioral manifestations that occur through the process of value co-creation, involving resource integration and service exchanges in consumer-brand interactive service systems. This research develops and validates two CBE scales specifically for product and service brand contexts. The CBE scale refinement process resulted in a 29-item scale in product (smartphone) context that comprises of two dimensions: affection and reasoned behavior, and a 20-item scale in service (social media) context, which consist of four dimensions: affection, identification, absorption and social connection. The two refined scales demonstrate good psychometric properties. This research’s findings offer managers and scholars insight on how consumers engage and experience services and products. This study provides an overview of theoretical and managerial implications.