Background: Measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cause psychological distress in the general population and aggravate symptoms in patients with mental health problems, eg, adolescents with eating disorders who need specific, long-term, transdisciplinary, and complex treatments. The Ministry of Health of Chile authorizes Tele-psychology in public mental health services, being the telephone the main means of contact. In this context, the study whose objective is to propose verbal communication actions to telephone psychotherapy of adolescents with eating disorders supported by Conversation Analysis emerges.
Method: Systematic bibliographical review with qualitative, descriptive, integral and interpretative method of search of articles in indexed databases with information that relates Conversation Analysis to psychotherapy of adolescents with eating disorders and Tele-psychology. The information is shown in 2 sections organized in a table that allows the systematic reading to analyze the convergence and divergence with the purpose of interpreting and integrating the data from the descriptive analysis. Results: Conversation Analysis projects three phases in Tele-psychology by telephone, where the importance of the elements of the context that should be present before, during and at the closing of the call is highlighted; the need to promote different types of dialogues that facilitate therapeutic conversation and that should be initiated by the psychotherapist, such as adhesion dialogues and exchanges of subjective stories and to cautiously apply the exchange of self-knowledge. Conclusions: Conversation Analysis provides psychotherapists with the therapeutic information and knowledge that allows them to understand the importance of the communicative framework when progressively using the structure of conversational exchanges through a communication channel that is eminently verbal