Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is an approach of regional development in which there is a concept of integration between land, transportation, environment, and use. However, as a new idea in Indonesia, the development of TOD cannot be found yet. the TOD project for Jakarta LRT is the first idea for TOD implementation in Indonesia. From the results of the initial evaluation, it was found that the prepared TOD design of Jakarta LRT still refers to the development of conventional apartment buildings. The implication of this practice is that the benefits of TOD are not utilized, and regional development will not be in line with expectations. This research aims to improve the function of the project while fulfilling the characteristics of TOD by producing alternative designs that have added value. To achieve this goal, Value Engineering studies are used as the methods. After the benchmarking with case studies are done, the process of developing the existing TOD design is then carried out. As a result, the design of the conceptual development of TOD for Jakarta LRT is proposed as an alternative to the conventional property development, in which the benefits of TOD implementation can be obtained.