Mobile learning opens up for collaboration and sharing of contents. This study discusses the outcome of a mobile SMS based Twitter implementation to facilitate collaborative learning among a group of young farmers. The mobile learning approach (mLA) was developed in collaboration with the study community using a design based research process for a period of two years. The objectives of the study were to analyse the learning process based on constructivism learning theories, study the learner interactions in the mLA, the impact of mLA, and the potential uses of the mLA in collaborative learning. Data were collected using questionnaires, follow up discussions and through logged data in the devices. The data were analysed using descriptive methods, qualitative data analysis methods, and network analysis methods respectively. The mLA assisted learners to construct knowledge, and obtain useful feedback to reinforce learning through the interaction within mobile learning environment. The participants were satisfied with the mobile learning experience however there were some drawbacks needed to be addressed in the future. Since participants didn't have adequate previous experience, they faced some technical difficulties in receiving tweets in the mobile phones. Difficulty in moving for higher order learning skills and limited opportunities for collaborations due to SMS based platform and interface were the other drawbacks. Learners needed more technical support and assistance together with better interface to promote collaborative learning opportunities in the future.