This contribution represents a summary of our interdisciplinary studies of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Levant Platform (LP) to reconstruct the factors controlling its growth and geometry. We define six platform units (PU1, PU2a, b, PU3 and PU4a, b) based on facies characteristics. Four key surfaces are defined that occur elsewhere in the LP and are of North African or Tethyan importance. They are due to prominent changes of the tectonic or paleoceanographic regimes. Stacking patterns of Aptian to Paleogene platform units and important surfaces are defined within a biostratigraphic frame and allow to interprete a total number of 35 third-order depositional sequences, some of which have been amalgamated locally. Comparisons of our sea level charts with those from neighbouring platforms indicate several mismatches that may be due to local uplift, subsidence, or increasing clastic input.