Bruun [3] proposed a method to assess the sea level rise induced shoreline retreat, based on the equilibrium profile concept. According to this approach, for sufficiently long high water level period, the cross-shore profile will change by retreating landward and the volume of eroded sediment will be deposited in such a way that sediment mass is conserved. Thus, long-shore shoreline changes are directly proportional to sea level rise. Edelman [9] refined the Bruun model; the updated equations required additional input parameters, such as an active dune width, depth of seabed for breaking waves before and during a storm, and the dune height relative of mean sea level. Dean and Maurmeyer [7] presented a model in which the dimensionless shoreline retreat was determined as the function of the storm surge and depth of seabed at a wave breaking location. The major difference between this model and the previous ones consisted in the fact that the previous models assumed instantaneous sea level rise and cross-shore profile adaptation, which in reality occurs much later. It resulted in vertical slope at the shoreline position of theoretical bathymetric profile, whereas the latter model produced a nearly triangular profile shape. Vellinga [31] further enhanced and improved this approach and Van de Graaff [29] adapted it for design of the required dune height on the Dutch coasts using probabilistic methods. Next, Kobayashi [14] proposed a new model combining mass conservation equation and empirical sediment transport formulas. As a result of this he came up with a partial differential equation, solvable for simple profile geometry. Kriebel et al.[16] presented an analytical model describing the volume of material eroded from the dune as the function of storm surge and dune geometry (dune height, its foot elevation and crest width). In this approach the main parameter generating the dune erosion is seawater level. The main characteristic assumption of all those models was a discreet rise of sea level that remains constant during the entire storm duration. Sediment, eroded from the dune, is deposited on cross-shore profile in the vicinity of wave breaking location occurring for mean sea level conditions. The majority of models also assume that the retreating dune face takes a vertical shape and the profile tends to achieving new equilibrium configuration. In reality morphological changes are much slower than the underlying hydrodynamic regimes and storm duration is usually too short to generate new equilibrium configuration. A typical example of this kind of modelling was the Dutch model DUNE [8], adopted in Poland since mid 1990-s for the assessment of safety of dune beaches. This model, like all those that base on the equilibrium profile concept, overestimates the actual rates of dune erosion/degradation. Fisher and Overton [10] and Nishi and Kraus [19] came up with different reasoning. In their models the total dune erosion is determined as a sum of impacts of waves running-up the beach. Hence, the total erosion during a storm depends on the frequency and intensity of individual waves. The wave impact was mathematically described as the change of momentum in a wave hitting the dune face. The volume of sediment eroded from the dune for a single wave was determined in wave flume tests [21, 22, 23]. The contributions by Fisher and Overton [10] were summarized in an analytical model by Larson et al.[17].