Land suitability evaluation has an important role in determining the environmental boundaries of sustainable land resource management. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the suitability of land use in rice cultivation in Magelang, Indonesia. Environmental factors such as rainfall, drainage, depth, pH, organic matter content, slopes, and erosion level are used as criteria compared to 5 alternative lands (Sawangan, Mangunsari, Tirtosari, Podosoko, and Kapuhan). The ELECTRE method as one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods chosen to solve the concept ambiguity problem in land suitability assessment. The result shows that the application of this method is quite effective for decision making so that alternatives are obtained that have the highest land use suitability compared to other alternatives for environmentally friendly rice cultivation. Finally, a decision support system with a web-based ELECTRE Method is presented to facilitate decision-makers in obtaining more accurate land suitability information.