States. 1 Depression affects individuals of all ages. 2 Among adolescents aged 13 to 18, the
lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder (MDD) in the United States is 11.0%. 3 The
many unique social, psychological, and physical changes and stressors that youth
experience at the personal and interpersonal levels impact the mental health of and risk of
developing depression among adolescents. 4 Recurrence of depressive episodes is …
Background: Informant discrepancies have been reported between parent and adolescent
measures of depressive disorders and suicidality. We aimed to examine the concordance
between adolescent and parent ratings of depressive disorder using both clinical interview
and questionnaire measures and assess multi-informant and multi-method approaches to
classification. Method: Within the context of assessment of eligibility for a randomized clinical
trial, 50 parent–adolescent pairs (mean age of adolescents= 15.0 years) were interviewed …