In this paper, a novel chaos-ring based dual entropy core TRNG architecture on FPGA with high operating frequency and high throughput has been performed and presented. The design of dual entropy core TRNG has been generated by uniting the chaotic system-based RNG and the RO-based RNG structures on FPGA. The chaotic oscillator structure as the basic entropy source has been implemented in VHDL using Euler numerical algorithm in 32-bit IQ-Math fixed point number standart on FPGA. The designed chaotic oscillator has been synthesized for the FPGA chip and the statistics related to chip resource consumption and clock frequencies of the units have been presented. The RO-based RNG structure has been designed as the second entropy source. Chaos-ring based dual entropy core novel TRNG unit have been created by combining of these two FPGA-based structures in the XOR function used at the post processing unit. The throughput of the designed dual entropy core TRNG unit ranges 464 Mbps. The output bit streams obtained from FPGA-based novel TRNG have been subjected to NIST 800-22 test suites.