This paper presents the analysis, design and simulation of a back to back converter for a modern wind energy system. In the initial stage, the study of DFIG (Doubly Fed Induction Generator) is carried out in order to have a broader understanding of the functions of the back to back converter. Then the design of back to back converter and choice of components is elaborated. The control strategy for the back to back converter is described with equations and the snapshot of the theoretical scheme and scheme implemented in the real life situation are both shown. The control strategy for the grid-side and rotor-side converter is thoroughly elaborated. The implementation of control strategy is done with the help of dSPACE. Being a very new technology in present academic scenario, introduction regarding dSPACE has been made. The dSPACE even though offering some facilities, has some limitations. Hence, the implementation of the present scheme with dSPACE while keeping an eye on the limitation is explained. The necessary adaptation made while using the control strategy are also focused. Finally, pulses obtained from dSPACE for Grid Side Converter (GSC) and Rotor Side Converter (RSC) are shown.