This paper describes the detection of mangrove density distribution in Pongok Island using remote sensing approach. The objective aim of this research is to map out the distribution of the mangrove density using Landsat imageries and GIS technique. Landsat imageries data Path/Row: 123/062 acquired in July 24th 2014 were used in this research. The mangrove and other land cover delineation was conducted with visual interpretation by using standard false color composite of Landsat band 564. The mangrove density was assessed using the vegetation index method, particularly through the NDVI formula with the range value from -1 to 1. The study found that the mangrove density could be classified into three classes i.e spares (NDVI range: -1 – 0.33; equal with <1,000 Trees/Ha), moderate (NDVI range: 0.33-0.42; equal with ≥1,000 to <1,500 Trees/Ha), and dense (NDVI range: 0.42-1; equal with ≥1,500 Trees/Ha). The study recognized by the types of mangrove identified in Pongok Island are dominated by Rhizopora sp, Sonneratia sp, Avicennia sp, and Bruguiera sp.